Are you a women over 50 dreaming of your next adventure? Have you been collecting exotic travel brochures and are finally ready to take your trip of a lifetime? Or perhaps you’re on the fence about traveling alone and need a gentle nudge to get you on your way!

Traveling alone as a woman over 50 will be life changing — and here’s why!

You can do what YOU want to do

If you’re a mother, caregiver or wife, you may have spent the past 20+ years catering to everyone’s desires but your own: taking the kids on beach vacations and Disney trips, planning camping trips for the family; or even following your partner as he pursued his interests.

Now that your kids are grown or you’re adjusting to life after a divorce or the loss of a partner, it’s time to focus on your own interests, the ones that you’ve placed on the back burner for so many years. Have you dreamed of learning yoga? Why not head to Bali or Costa Rica? Dreaming of exotic animals? South Africa is waiting for you! Now is always a good time to focus on you!

So you might be asking, “why not travel with my partner or friend?” Yes, of course, you can always travel with a buddy. But the glory of solo travel is that every decision you make…every bus ride, museum tour, picnic in the park…is based around what YOU want to do. There is no compromise needed (you’ve done enough compromising over the years haven’t you?).

Solo Travel lets You Learn about YOU

Traveling solo sets the scene for discovering who you are. You might be thinking to yourself, “but, of course, I know who I am.” However, you may have lost touch with your true self over the years as you made compromises and put all other family members first. Traveling solo allows you quiet time to reflect and get back in touch with yourself, re-discovering the woman you’ve become over the years. You might be surprised what you’ll learn stretching your boundaries and pushing yourself beyond your comfort zones. What are you comfortable with? What are you uncomfortable with?

Without a travel partner to help you make decisions, you will find the courage to trust your own instincts. You will learn new things. You will confront situations that expand your mind and teach you just how strong, smart, powerful and capable you are. The more you travel, the better at it you will become. And the more confidence you build, the more you will be able to pursue bigger things throughout life!

Solo Travel Offers Opportunities to Meet Amazing People

Solo travel opens possibilities to meet people who wouldn’t ordinarily cross your path — other travelers…restaurant owners…tour guides…the sweet lady who owns the corner store. Since your attention isn’t focused on a travel buddy, you will be able to engage with these people from different backgrounds who offer fascinating insights and perspectives. It is these types of experiences and personalities that will truly enhance your journey.

Solo Travel Shows You the World’s Beauty and Generosity

There will be times when you will be AMAZED at the profound generosity of people who have far less than you. A woman may share her meal on an overnight train journey, a local may go completely out of his way to lead you by the hand when you ask directions, or an entire busload of passengers might take up a collection to pay your fare after your wallet is stolen. You will understand that human kindness is alive and well and has no boundaries. And your soul will sing!

Though I highlighted only a few in this blog post, there are so many reasons WHY traveling solo after 50 will be life changing!

Be prepared to have an enlightening, fulfilling solo journey! You’re on your way!